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Priority Snow Removal Information

Updated: Nov 28, 2023


As we approach another winter season, we again find it necessary to clarify who qualifies for the Priority Snow Removal list for 2023-2024 winter season. A new request is required every season.

For those who qualify, please submit your request to assure that you will be placed on the priority list. To qualify, a resident must require regular life-sustaining medical treatment, such as chemotherapy, radiation, or dialysis in or outside the home.

A “heart condition” does not qualify. Your request must be accompanied by a physician script/note which specifies that life-sustaining treatment for any of the conditions outlined above is necessary. Hand written notes are unacceptable. All information will be kept by the administrator and will be confidential.

Your need to go to work does not qualify for priority snow removal. For this purpose, we suggest you make advance arrangements with a private contractor for snow removal.

The township will cooperate by plowing our roads so that our contractor can begin work. Of course, the town will continue to respond to any serious problems during storms.


Please be sure to keep on hand extra supplies of medications and food, so there is no need to leave the house during, or immediately after a snowstorm. The weather predications generally provide ample warning time for making preparations.

For convenience purposes, your doctor may fax this information to our office. Our fax number is 732-920-2650. Please be assured this information will be kept strictly confidential. Placement on the Priority Snow List cannot be accomplished until we receive the necessary documentation from your physician.

Please respond as soon as possible as the winter season will be here soon.


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